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Eyelid Reconstruction by Dr Ashok K Grover, Friday, August 18, 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
AIOC2019 GP168 Topic Eyelid Reconstruction Dr Ashok Kumar Grover
Eyelid Reconstruction Direct Closure
Dr. A K Grover - Tackling traumatic deformities of eyelids
Eyelid Reconstruction Cutler Beard Technique
AIOC2021 - VT3 - Making Ends Meet-Reconstruction of Extensive Congenital Upper Eyelid Colobomas
AIOC2018 - IC345 - Topic - Traumatic Canalicular repair - Dr.Ashok Kumar Grover
Repair of upper eyelid and lateral canthal defect
#118 Tarsal plate Repair | Triple layer suturing of Lid tear in a child @DrPrateekJain_eye
AIOC2022 - VT176 - Let's Fill the Gap- Lid Switch Flap Technique Decoded
Rethinking the Tarsoconjunctival Flap: A Novel Technique for Large Lower Eyelid Mohs Defects
Repair of 50-60% lateral upper eyelid defect w/ free tarsal graft and myocutaneous advancement flap